Vocal Accent x Brick City Singers - Fall Concert 2023
December 2nd, 2023 at 8pm in Webb Auditorium at RIT
RIT's Vocal Accent and Brick City Singers combine forces to create the best a cappella concert of the winter. You'll hear all your favorite pop artists like Sam Smith, Carly Rae Jepsen, OWL City, Sammy Rae, Michael Jackson, and so many more in a new exciting sound. The venue is located on the first floor of Booth Hall on RIT's campus.
Tickets will be available at the door and are free for anyone with an RIT ID, $5 for Non-RIT students, and $10 general admission.
RIT's Vocal Accent and Brick City Singers combine forces to create the best a cappella concert of the winter. You'll hear all your favorite pop artists like Sam Smith, Carly Rae Jepsen, OWL City, Sammy Rae, Michael Jackson, and so many more in a new exciting sound. The venue is located on the first floor of Booth Hall on RIT's campus.
Tickets will be available at the door and are free for anyone with an RIT ID, $5 for Non-RIT students, and $10 general admission.
Performing at Rochester Maker Fair

November 18th, 2023 at 3:15pm in Rochester Riverside Convention Center on the Main Stage
Vocal Accent will be entertaining the attendees of Rochester's Maker Fair. They will be performing 15 minutes of their best repertoire including songs by Lawrence, Betsy and the Bass, and Sammy Rae. Stop by to see "the greatest show and tell on earth" and get inspired by innovative technology and artists showing off their talents, resourcefulness, and projects. This event is open to the public and is family-friendly, tickets must be purchased in advanced, parking and access services are all available at the link below.
Check out this link for more details about the Rochester Maker Fair
Check out this link for details on Vocal Accent's performance at the Fair
Vocal Accent will be entertaining the attendees of Rochester's Maker Fair. They will be performing 15 minutes of their best repertoire including songs by Lawrence, Betsy and the Bass, and Sammy Rae. Stop by to see "the greatest show and tell on earth" and get inspired by innovative technology and artists showing off their talents, resourcefulness, and projects. This event is open to the public and is family-friendly, tickets must be purchased in advanced, parking and access services are all available at the link below.
Check out this link for more details about the Rochester Maker Fair
Check out this link for details on Vocal Accent's performance at the Fair
Accentastic 2024
Details coming soon...
RIT's Vocal Accent is performing their annual spring concert Accentastic! The powerful soprano-alto group will be accompanied by another electrify guest group on stage. VA will be performing their past fan favorite songs, their award winning ICCA set, and brand new songs that you are sure to enjoy. Tickets will be available at the door and are free for anyone with an RIT ID, $5 for Non-RIT students, and $7 general admission.
RIT's Vocal Accent is performing their annual spring concert Accentastic! The powerful soprano-alto group will be accompanied by another electrify guest group on stage. VA will be performing their past fan favorite songs, their award winning ICCA set, and brand new songs that you are sure to enjoy. Tickets will be available at the door and are free for anyone with an RIT ID, $5 for Non-RIT students, and $7 general admission.
2024 ICCA Central Quarterfinal 4
February 3rd, 2024 at 7:00PM in the Theater at Innovation Square, Rochester NY
Vocal Accent is returning to the competition scene after their win last year at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA). This competition is the only one of its nature that shows off the art of a cappella on a global stage. It brings together the spirit of competition, education, and the passion of collegiate singers and puts it into an exhilarating performance. The ICCAs are organized by Varsity Vocals and is tournament bracket style. So stick around and keep an ear out for our Quarter final results and if RIT's Vocal Accent will make their way into the semifinals & finals.
Check out this link to Varsity Vocal's website for more information on the competition
Vocal Accent is returning to the competition scene after their win last year at the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella (ICCA). This competition is the only one of its nature that shows off the art of a cappella on a global stage. It brings together the spirit of competition, education, and the passion of collegiate singers and puts it into an exhilarating performance. The ICCAs are organized by Varsity Vocals and is tournament bracket style. So stick around and keep an ear out for our Quarter final results and if RIT's Vocal Accent will make their way into the semifinals & finals.
Check out this link to Varsity Vocal's website for more information on the competition
Past performances this year (here's what you missed on glee...)
Rochester Fringe Festival 2023

September 22nd, 2023 at 8:20pm in The Little Theater (Rochester, NY)
Tickets are free!
Four of Rochester Institute of Technology’s a cappella groups join forces to provide an hour of great vocal music! Surround Sound is RIT’s premiere Barber Shop group. Kaminari is an all-gender group that performs all genres of Japanese music. Vocal Accent is the most recent soprano/alto group, and Proof of Purchase—also known as POP—is the original all-gender group.
More information: https://rochesterfringe.com/tickets-and-shows/all-shows?keyword=vocal%20accent#:~:text=A%20Cappella%20Hour%3A%20Proof%20of,all%20genres%20of%20Japanese%20music
Tickets are free!
Four of Rochester Institute of Technology’s a cappella groups join forces to provide an hour of great vocal music! Surround Sound is RIT’s premiere Barber Shop group. Kaminari is an all-gender group that performs all genres of Japanese music. Vocal Accent is the most recent soprano/alto group, and Proof of Purchase—also known as POP—is the original all-gender group.
More information: https://rochesterfringe.com/tickets-and-shows/all-shows?keyword=vocal%20accent#:~:text=A%20Cappella%20Hour%3A%20Proof%20of,all%20genres%20of%20Japanese%20music
RIT's Brick City Homecoming 2023
All seven RIT A Cappella groups are joining forces to create one music filled evening on
Saturday October 14th, 4:30-6PM, in Ingle Auditorium Don't miss out on this once a year performance with an hour and a half of all your favorite charting songs today, classics, and new songs you'll be sure to fall in love with. |